If you’re disabled you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits. You need to have been paying into the Social Security system for a long enough period of time and have some kind of disability (or combination of disabilities) that prevents you from working for at least a year (or your condition is expected to result in your death).

It may sound simple, but obtaining benefits could be a long, difficult journey if you try to go it alone. If you’re thinking about applying for SSD benefits for yourself or a loved one, contact Injury.co.com.  We help applicants by telling them about the process and applicable laws, getting them through that process and appealing benefit denials. The qualifying disability can be caused by an accident, a medical condition due to a disease or congenital cause, psychiatric condition or a cognitive disorder.

Medical records will need to be obtained for the application and show why the applicant is disabled, the degree of disability and how long that disability has lasted. These records should cover your condition and its limitations and your physician may need to fill out additional forms. Those making benefit determinations will review these records. You may also need to be examined by an independent physician in order to get a decision.

Most applications are initially denied but many appeals within the Social Security Administration are eventually successful. Denied appeals can be brought to federal court.

Contact us today for a free consultation so we can help you obtain the benefits you’re entitled to receive. We won’t let the Social Security bureaucracy prevent our clients from receiving the benefits they deserve and need to support themselves and their families.

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