Fire and burn injuries can be some of the most painful, debilitating injuries. They can require long term, specialized medical care and treatment. If serious enough, these injuries can be fatal or scar a victim physically and psychologically for life.

The attorneys at help burn victims get through difficult times, dealing with insurance companies and protecting their rights for compensation so our clients can put their energies into recovery and working their way back to their former lives.

Serious burn injuries can happen at home, in vehicle accidents and at work. According to the Centers for Disease Control,

  • Deaths from fires and burns are the third leading cause of fatal home injury.
  • About 85% of all U.S. fire deaths in 2009 happened in homes.
  • Someone died in a fire every 169 minutes in 2010. Someone was injured by a fire every 30 minutes in the U.S. that year.
  • Fire departments responded to 384,000 home fires in the U.S., which cost the lives of 2,640 people and injured another 13,350, not including firefighters.

Recovery from a serious burn injury can be a long, difficult and painful process. We make sure our clients get the best medical care and obtain fair compensation for all the pain, suffering, scarring and lost income they’ve suffered.

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious burn injury, contact us today for a free consultation. Statutes of limitations apply to these cases. A lawsuit protecting your rights must be filed before a deadline shuts off your ability to protect your legal rights to compensation.

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